General of Traffic Safety re-elects its Board of Directors

Discuss the administrative and financial reports of the Assembly

The General Assembly of the Emirates Traffic Safety Society recently renewed its confidence in the members of the Board of Directors and re-elected them for a new three-year session. His Excellency Mohammed Saleh bin Badawi Al Darmikousha Eng. Saleh Rashid Al-Dhahiri. Nasser Saif Al Mansouriya Mahmoud Mohamed Fikriousa / Brigadier Ghaith Hassan Zaabioussa / Fatima Mohammed Ishaq Al-Awadhiwasa / Said Saif Al-Qamziouis Engineer Mohammed Abdullah Al-Suwaidi.

HE Saleh Al Dhaheri, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association, delivered a speech at the beginning of the meeting stressing that the society seeks to consolidate the concepts of traffic safety by raising the culture of preventive awareness among the users of the road and coordination with the relevant authorities in this field to work according to the basic axes of traffic safety. Based on the principle of consultation to communicate views and proposals to the responsible authorities to take action on them in order to reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents in order to ensure human safety and property, and to preserve the security of the country and its human and economic components.

He added that road accidents in the present day are considered the most serious problems because they aim at the human being - the most expensive thing in existence - either death or permanent disability or injury impede it from playing its role in society, which undermines direct contribution to social and economic development plans.

Based on this, and that traffic safety in its broad concept aims to adopt all plans, programs and traffic regulations and preventive measures to reduce or prevent traffic accidents to ensure the safety of human and property and to maintain the security of the country and its human and economic components, the Assembly is working to achieve the strategy of the Government of the UAE, Promote awareness and preventive education among road users and reduce traffic accidents and their risks according to the principle of partnership between the institutions of society, thus making a great step despite the limited human and material potential.

Al-Dhaheri said that our goal is to protect the human being on this good land from death or injury caused by accidents, and this can be achieved only by concerted efforts and work together for that.

During the meeting, Brigadier General Hassan Ahmed Al Hosani reviewed the achievements of the association and the traffic situation in the country. He praised the efforts of the Ministry of the Interior and the traffic departments in the country, which resulted in improved traffic safety indicators during the past year. Traffic accidents decreased significantly from 6700 to 6454 An increase of 3.7%. Deaths decreased from 720 cases to 627 cases with a decrease of 12.9%. Injuries decreased from 7808 cases to 7586, a decline of 2.8%.

The Association organized the International Symposium on Traffic Accidents ... The effects and implications on social, health and economic development, which was attended by more than 200 participants from 21 Arab and European countries and more than 70 governmental, private and private bodies. 22) A scientific paper presented by Arab and foreign researchers and experts, which dealt with the seminar's themes and resulted in a number of recommendations.

Al Hosani added that the symposium aimed to shed light on the various tragic aspects of road accidents and their repercussions on society and the economy, focusing on methods of estimating the costs of traffic accidents and determining the method of estimating the costs of traffic accidents to introduce the methods of evaluating and processing cost reports in the United Arab Emirates. In addition to discussing the roles of stakeholders in the development and support of such a system in order to push all concerned to contribute effectively to stop this bleeding of lives and property through several axes dealing with traffic accidents in the world:
The reality, aspirations and economic cost of traffic accidents and social impacts, and to emphasize the need to develop and implement comprehensive national strategies and plans to manage prevention efforts.

The Secretary General also reviewed the other activities of the association, such as participation in the 28th Gulf Traffic Week under the slogan "We work together to reduce traffic accidents." Several awareness publications were prepared for the association and others related to the slogan of the week. Questions were also prepared for radio traffic safety competitions, There was a large audience and a number of press and radio interviews were held on awareness of traffic safety.

The Association also continued its interaction with the efforts to introduce the road users to the state with the new amendments to the Traffic Law. It has carried out many activities, including translating the amendments into the Jordanian and Malay languages ​​(printed in a pocket booklet), printing 160,000 copies to the Pakistani and Indian communities, Arabic and English in the same format and printing (240 thousand copies) and printed large quantities (700 thousand copies of flyer) of the amendments in Arabic (200 thousand), English (200 thousand) and the Jordanian (150 thousand) and Malayalam (150 thousand) and distribution in places of mass density and Places y Such as licensing departments and state outlets during awareness campaigns, exhibitions and various events.

He also reviewed the participation of the Association in the project of distribution of environmentally friendly waste bags for cars which were distributed free of charge at all fuel filling stations in the country. The aim was to spread the culture of traffic safety through awareness-based messages on bags, In cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Water, the General Command of Dubai Police, the Emirates Traffic Safety Association, the Emirates Consumer Protection Society and the Company